Maze ransomware targets oil giant and leaks data online

Attackers have successfully hacked over 500 MB of document data from an oil giant.

The attackers managed to steal the entire database containing confidential documents related to budgets, organizational strategies, production quantities, and similar sensitive data. The Maze ransomware group leaked the database containing information about the oil firm. The researchers have claimed that the data posted online contained financial details and investment plans oof the company.

The leaked data includes the cost price per barrel, organizational goals for the year 2020, and budgets allocated for various missions of the owners. The database also has a list employees with their contact details and travel documents. Maze ransomware has gained a lot of popularity around the world and is currently one of the major threats in the cyber world.

It is identified that the ransomware group uses extreme tactics to pressurize the victims who refuse to pay the ransom or delay the payment. They not only encrypt the data but also exfiltrate it prior to encrypting it and later use it to blackmail the victim into paying their desired ransom.

NPAV recommends the users to always use proper security features and ransomware shields to keep such ransomware at bay. Keeping the sensitive organizational or user data encrypted is also one of the ways to protect yourself from such attacks.

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