Phishing scam impersonates customers to share malicious file stating quotation request
Phishing scams are increasing day by day at an alarming rate with new ideas to lure targets.
A recent phishing scam reported by NPAV lab is in the form of email which is portrayed like it is from a customer. The phishing email also has a attached file to it that can be malicious by all means.
The email states that it is from the customer who came to know about the organization from one of the customers and is now interested in buying the products. The email has a file attached that is referred to as a quotation request of the things required by the customer.
The email has a heading that says that "urgent new order needed ASAP", which may lead to organization responding quickly to the mail without even checking its credibility. The email has asked to provide the best price available for the requested products just to make the mail look more genuine.
The attachment will take the target to a SharePoint secure drive which will require you to sign in with your email id. This page can be used by hacker to steal your login credential if the targeted person submits it.
NPAV recommends users to stop trusting such emails as these are mere phishing scams that want to target your organization and benefit from it. Before replying to an email or downloading any file attached to it, please check for the credibility of the email.
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