DHL Shipment E-Notification Mail..

Dear Customer Please do not click the mail link..

Once again, the lure of a shipment being delivered to someone is used to try to trick users into clicking on a link in an email. In this case, a fake DHL email is being used to entice users to click on a link. Unfortunately the only delivery made in this case is malware.

The email informs the user that they have a shipment that is waiting to be delivered. According to the email, the shipment is “scheduled for delivery tomorrow.” The email goes on to advise that a tracking number is required, and provides a link that enables the recipient to obtain a tracking number.

The subject line of the email is “DHL Shipment Notification”, whilst the sender of the email is listed as “DHL Customer Service”. Realistic looking DHL branding is used in the email. The email is addressed as “Dear Customer”.



DHL Ship

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