Trojan from Pakistan, Targets Indian Military Officers.

Trojan from Pakistan, Targets Indian Military Officers !

Attackers from Pakistan using a trojan virus have stolen passport scans, photo IDs, and tax information from 160 Indian military officers, military attaches, consultants, and resellers.

The targets were sent emails with subject lines and text that were appropriate to the target. In one example, the emails purported to come from the Indian Defense Minister with email id as "" and attachment PDF as the Presidents Message

The primary targets were field-grade officers in the Indian military – brigadiers, colonels, lieutenant colonels, majors, lieutenants.

Analysis of the malware found three C&C servers that this attack used. One C&C server was hardcoded into the worm itself. Both Windows & Android mobile malware shared this server, which was located in Pakistan.

The data stolen contained ID data such as passport scans, salary PDF payslips, army strategy and tactical documents, army training documents.
