Web Secure

Internet is the life-line of all human activities like work, education, business, entertainment etc.
But it is important to control and secure the internet and block out the unwanted sites.
Keep your Office / Home Secure with Web Secure.


Blocks unwanted sites
Blocks Unwanted Sites
Configure rules to block and allow websites. Allow only work related sites and blocks all other sites or Allows all other sites or Allows all sites and block certain unwanted sites.
Password Protection
Password Protection
Administrator Password to configure the rules and also for uninstallation of the software.
Ease of Use but Powerful
Ease of Use but Powerful
Software is very easy to install and use but yet it provides very powerful security.
Application level Control
Application level Control
Control which applications can use the internet like Web browser, chat software, email clients etc.
Reduces Internet Traffic and Bills
Reduces Internet Traffic and Bills
Block out unwanted upload and download by viruses / worms in the background.
All Browsers Supported
All Browsers Supported
Automatically secures all major web browsers. Uses advanced technology.
Complete report of which site was visited, when and with the name of the application used.