BingoMod: The Android Trojan That Steals Your Money and Wipes Your Device

Cybersecurity researchers at Cleafy have uncovered a new Android remote access trojan (RAT) called BingoMod, which performs fraudulent money transfers and wipes devices to erase traces of the malware.

What is BingoMod?

BingoMod is a modern RAT generation mobile malware that allows threat actors to conduct Account Takeover (ATO) directly from the infected device, exploiting the on-device fraud (ODF) technique.

How Does BingoMod Work?

BingoMod employs a self-destruction mechanism to remove evidence of fraudulent transfers and can initiate a complete factory reset using its remote access features. It masquerades as antivirus tools and a Google Chrome update, stealing sensitive information and intercepting SMS messages.

The Danger of BingoMod

BingoMod can perform money transfers of up to €15,000 per transaction and abuses accessibility services API to steal sensitive information. Its emphasis on evading detection using code obfuscation techniques makes it a dangerous malware.

Stay Safe from BingoMod

Remember to be cautious when downloading apps and granting permissions to prevent such attacks.

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