Monthly Archives: July 2015
What you can do to help make your and everyone else’s email more secure. The big companies that offer consumer email accounts (Yahoo Email, Google Gmail, and Outlook) p
Shieldpopup Issue:
Emailscan Monitoring on Both applicatin control and online Protection service.
Emailscan Should Check For Both Service Status.
Posted: July 20, 2015Views: 500EXE Name: EXCLUDE.EXE Location: "C:\Program Files\Net Protector 2015\ZVSCAN\EXCLUDE.EXE" Purpose: It excludes added file or folder from scanni
These spam emails appear to have randomly-generated text, which would account for the strange language.. and they come with a malicious attachment.
The Email comes with different Subject
Airports, hotels… On vacation we also spend the whole day connected to the Internet. WhatsApp has in many countries become an essential tool for personal communication.
This fake financial spam comes with a malicious payload. It appears to be randomly generated in part, the actual emails says..
Subject: Unauthorised bank account activi