Shieldpopup Issue


Shieldpopup Issue:

Emailscan Monitoring on Both applicatin control and online Protection service.

Emailscan Should Check For Both Service Status.
(Application Control & Online Protection=ON/OFF),

If any Service Status=OFF, Then Emailscan Shell to Shieldpopup.exe after 2 min and Every 15 minutes From Emailscan Launched Time.

when shieldpopup comes user have Two options:-

popup Recommend user click to Enable or Ignore it.

Enable will be Start Protection service.

Ignore will ignore user from showing Popup again and again.

If User click to Ignore service Then popup should Be ignore for below Days.


If user click to Enable Then service will be start but sometimes it will Unable To start a service Then
Goto services.msc

check for both service is available or not
Npav application service.
Zerov-Antivirus Protection service

Restart Both Services..

If any error message will shown at time of restart service

Check For service correct Path

so double click on service
check for Path to Executable sometimes it contain incorrect Path.

see Examples



Service correct paths:-

Application control:-C:\Program Files\Net Protector 2015\APPCON\APCONSVC.EXE
Online Protection:- C:\Program Files\Net Protector 2015\ZVSCAN\ZVMonNt.exe

If any both of service dont have correct Paths then
Remove or Install Both services:-

1)Npav Application Service

Remove application control service:-

Run->"C:\Program Files\Net Protector 2015\APPCON\APCONSVC.EXE" Remove

Npav Application Service should Be Removed From Services.msc

Reinstall application control service:-
Run->"C:\Program Files\Net Protector 2015\APPCON\APCONSVC.EXE" Install
Npav Application Control service should be Installed.


2)zerov Protection service

Remove Online Protection service:-
Run->"C:\Program Files\Net Protector 2015\ZVSCAN\ZVMonNt.exe" - remove Zerov Protect Service should Be Removed From Services.msc

Reinstall Online Protection service:-
Run->"C:\Program Files\Net Protector 2015\ZVSCAN\ZVMonNt.exe" -Install Zerov Protect Service should Be installed.

Then Restart service then Service will be started.

If Problem will Not solved Then Once again check for Path to Executable if Path is still Incorrect Then..

Open Registry
check for Image Path
Double click to Image path Value
Enter correct service Path into Value Data.

Then Remove or Install Service again and Restart Service From Services.msc
Both Application and Online Protection Service will Be started.
Otherwise Restart Machine Both are services will start on Restart.