Monthly Archives: March 2020

  1. Free Netflix subscription scam continues to trick users
  2. Vulnerable routers are being targeted by hackers to drop malicious “WHO” COVID-19 app
  3. Hackers found circulating fake antivirus which drops malware backdoor
  4. Netflix providing free subscription during COVID-19 period is fake
  5. Beware of dangerous emails with subject "undelivered mails"
  6. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) tracking app is spreading ransomware and malware.
  7. Patch for Microsoft's SMBv3 wormable bug released
  8. Hackers drop malware through fake security certificate alerts
  9. Cloud backups can be exploited to support Ransomware attacks
  10. New Vulnerability 'GhostCat' of Apache Tomcat can pose a severe risk to servers
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