Monthly Archives: July 2020

  1. Phishing emails impersonating "DHL" courier services are being circulated by hackers
  2. 1.2 TB of user data exposed by 7 VPN organizations having no-logs policy
  3. Phishing emails with account shut-down warnings are being used by hackers to steal user credentials
  4. Emotet spam trojan resurrects after 5 months of inactivity
  5. Passwords of non-banking applications are also being stolen by the new Android malware
  6. Twitter accounts of Elon Musk, Obama, Apple, and many more hacked
  7. Windows DNS servers impacted by an old 'Wormable' RCE vulnerability
  8. Hacker are sending "Microsoft Protected Excel" attachment to steal email passwords
  9. Fake emails with "update required" alerts are targeting users to steal sensitive information
  10. Phishing emails with the subject of revising confirmed orders are being circulated by scammers
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