
  1. Phishing emails from hackers are posting fake "Quote requests" in business email inboxes
  2. Phishing emails with fake email clustering alerts are being used by hackers to steal login credentials
  3. Hackers are phishing Gmail credentials by using malicious Firefox extensions
  4. Phishing emails containing fake email deactivation notice are being circulated by hackers
  5. Facebook ads are being exploited by hackers to steal 615,000 login credentials
  6. NPAV security research team has recently found and reported a new password phishing scam
  7. Companies involved in COVID-19 vaccine distribution are being targeted by hackers
  8. Password stealing attempt made by hackers via phishing email
  9. A new phishing scam is being launched by hackers to steal login credentials
  10. Emails with fake COVID-19 test results are spreading King Engine ransomware
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