12 million Facebook users have their personal data exposed online

Sensitive and personal data of millions of Facebook users was leaked online.

This is not the first time that a data breach at Facebook is taking place. Their has been a lot of data breaches taking place around the the globe. A recent research shows that data of 12 million Vietnam based Facebook users was exposed online.

The size of the data is 3 GB and includes information like full name, hometown location, current location, education details, birthdates, GPS coordinates, email addresses, Facebook usernames and IDs, profile scores, Facebook usernames and IDs, family relations with other Facebook users.

The type of exposed data brings in various threats and can be used by hackers to conduct severe attacks. Attackers can launch various phishing attacks and can use social engineering to spam the victims. The information about the GPS and current location can also be used to launch physical attacks.

The server has been taken down by Facebook and they are claiming to test the sharing of data with third party applications. Facebook is widely used around the globe and such data breaches can cost too much for the victims.

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