Facebook: Worm Sends Fake Video Links through Chat to all Friends

There is a new malware worm spreading through Facebook. It sends a Video Link to all your friends throught the facebook chat feature.You may receive such video links from your friends.

The text sent with the Video Link : 

Oooo i am sorry

You bad infamous in video..

On Clicking the link user will land on a page which will automatically download exe file of the worm. File name is of the type: video_mp4_facebook_43434.exe with a Video Player Icon.

icon of exe1

Millions of Facebook Users Infected by "This video is your Videos?" Virus

Updated_new_mob_link (3)

Updated_mob_link (2)

Mobile View :

mob_link (1)

If you receive these messages, please ignore it and don't click the link on it. Your friend was not the one who send the message. It's a VIRUS.

The behavior of this virus is it will automatically send message to your friends and once your friend will click the link, their account will also be infected by the virus and will send message to their friends.

Once you click on the link it redirects you to a fake youtube page that asks you to update your flash player. The moment you click update, your device is infected with a trojan virus.


It goes under the name "trojan.fakeflash.a" and can compromise your data and slow down your system. The message is never the same, and the video the fake youtube page displays isn't either. The site is called ytvideo153.com


If you got infected by the virus, I would recommend deleting all of your cookies then doing a few system scans by Net Protector Antivirus.

Net Protector Antivirus detect these links as a worm:
