Massive Cyberattack Cripples Uttarakhand Government IT Systems, Disrupts Critical Public Services

A sophisticated cyberattack has crippled Uttarakhand's IT infrastructure, rendering over 90 government websites, including the CM helpline, non-functional. This unprecedented breach has halted essential online services and internal operations across the state, with cybersecurity experts working tirelessly to restore the systems.

  • Over 90 government websites, including the CM helpline, were disabled by a massive cyberattack, affecting critical state functions.
  • The attack also paralyzed key government services, including e-office systems, land registries, and public grievance handling, causing a complete operational standstill.
  • The virus breached even the state’s most secure internet services and compromised the main state data center, causing widespread damage.
  • State IT officials activated emergency protocols immediately, but recovery efforts were unsuccessful as the virus continued to impact systems.
  • Cybersecurity experts were called in to eliminate the advanced virus, but the full restoration timeline remains unclear, and sensitive data may have been compromised.

This large-scale cyberattack on Uttarakhand's government systems underscores the critical need for robust cybersecurity solutions to protect essential public services. As cyber threats continue to grow in sophistication, government and private entities must prioritize investing in comprehensive security measures.

Net Protector Cyber Security offers advanced solutions like endpoint protection, real-time threat detection, and malware defense to safeguard systems from evolving cyber threats and ensure the continuity of vital services.