New GandCrab  Ransomware!!!

This crypto-extortioner encrypts user data using AES, and then requires a buyback of 1-3 Dash (crypto currency) to buy from the extortionists GandCrab Decryptor and return the files.

The .GDCB extension is added to the encrypted files  .


The activity of this crypto-extortioner occurred in the second half of January 2018. It is oriented to English-speaking users, which does not prevent it from spreading around the world. The greatest number of victims is in South Korea. The note with the demand for redemption is called:  GDCB-DECRYPT.txt

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All your files, documents, photos, databases and other important files are encrypted and have the extension:. GDCB
The only way to recover files is to buy a private key. It's on our server, and only we can recover your files.
The server with your key is in a closed TOR network

All Users are requested to:

  • Install and keep NPAV updated up-to-date.
  • Make sure NPAV Data Backup is ON.
  • Always use trusted and secure sites for downloading setups.

Net Protector customers are protected from such new and dangerous ransomware.