Ransomware actors targeting healthcare facilities during COVID-19 outbreak

Healthcare facilities are repeatedly getting attacked by ransomware actors.

Many hospitals and medical research firms were targeted by cybercriminals and most of the attacks faced by hospitals came from the side of ransomware actors, who had earlier stated to act diligently during the pandemic. On the contrary, some of them never stopped attacking hospitals.

There are various ransomware attacks that were launched by the hackers, some of which included Maze actors, Ryuk ransomware, certain Russian attackers, and Sodinokibi. Interpol has issued various warnings and have pledged to provide technical support to all such attacks and malicious activities.

Interpol is also curating a list of suspicious Internet domains related to COVID-19 and plans to work with the relevant countries to take action for violating the law. Security experts have observed ransomware attacks to be spreading primarily via emails. To minimize the risk of disruption, Interpol encourages hospitals and healthcare companies to ensure using up-to-date hardware and software systems.

The precautions issued by the officials include verifying trustworthyness of sources, avoid clicking on malicious links, using spam protection and data backups. NPAV recommends to thoroughly follow such advisories issued in public interest and keep you guard up against all such malicious actions.

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