Npav Lab

  1. Telegram and email accounts are being targeted by hackers via SS7 mobile attacks
  2. Bluetooth vulnerability BleedingTooth allows remote code execution in user devices.
  3. Schools and universities are the new target of spear phishing attack conducted by Iranian APT group
  4. 3 TB of clips from home cameras were exposed and posted online
  5. Microsoft has issued a latest warning against a new ransomware targeting Android users
  6. Software AG hit by Clop ransomware, demands ransom over $20 million.
  7. Hackers are using P2P malware botnet malware to target IoT devices
  8. Windows error reports are being injected with malware by OceanLotus hackers
  9. Fake account update notifications are being circulated via email by hackers
  10. Facebook credentials and $4 million was stolen by SilentFade malware in ad fraud
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