
  1. Google has reported a new malware campaign targeting Youtubers
  2. Phishing email with fake out of storage alert surfaces to paint new targets
  3. Transaction keys exposure via payment API vulnerabilities have impacted millions of users
  4. Phishing email with fake mail storage full alert is being circulated by hackers
  5. Covid-19 vaccine free registration impersonated by a malicious SMS worm
  6. Fake "System Updates" posed by a new malware targeting android users
  7. Phishing emails with fake email clustering alerts are being used by hackers to steal login credentials
  8. Indian COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers SII, Bharat Biotech, are being targeted by Chinese hackers
  9. Source code of Azure, Exchange and Intune accessed by SolarWinds hackers
  10. Data breach at one of India's leading job portal IIMJobs
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