
  1. Phishing scam impersonates customers to share malicious file stating quotation request
  2. "Removal from server" email from Webmail is fake and malicious
  3. Phishing emails demanding payment and delivery related information are surfacing
  4. Alerts of "MAILBOX PASSWORD RESET IN PROGRESS" is the new phishing campaign launched by cybercriminals
  5. Fake and malicious dropbox notification is circulating as a new phishing scam
  6. User credentials stolen by AWS phishing scam via fake notification
  7. E-Challan system of police used by fraudsters to deceive vehicle owners
  8. Password stealing phishing emails are circulating with subject "Release Incoming Messages"
  9. Fake and fraudulent links promising refunds on tax payments are being circulated
  10. Phishing scams and emails are circulating at an alarming rate
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