Aleta Ransomware [].aleta

Aleta - a latest variant of BTCWare, encrypt user files with extension [].aleta

Upon encryption a ransom note !#_READ_ME_#!.inf will be left at user desktop regarding payment information and [].aleta will be appended. 


Generally infection is done via Trojan horse or spam email. All users are requested to follow below guidelines:

  • Install and keep NPAV updated up-to-date.
  • Make sure NPAV data backup is ON.
  • Never use weak passwords on your accounts, especially on remote system access software.
  • Do not click on unknown links while browsing the web and do not open emails sent by unknown people.

Keep in mind that even the strongest anti-malware programs become useless if you use weak admin passwords. In such case, crooks can brute force these passwords in a day and then fully control the target computer remotely.