Facebook remains unsecured, 419 million phone numbers exposed

Facebook's security issues and breaches continue as reports say that phone numbers of 419 million users have been compromised. The exposed database contained 133 million records from the US, 18 and 50 million records from the UK and Vietnam respectively.

Facebook claims that only 210 million users have been affected as the database contained duplicate records. Facebook has stopped the service of searching users via phone numbers which existed about a year ago. The service would show you the user account linked upon entering the phone number. Facebook soon realized that this could lead to a security breach and hence, this service was removed.

This data breach is severe as phone numbers can act as the root of various attacks like spamming, SIM swapping and other ransomware attacks. As of now Facebook has put down the unsecure database and is peeping into the issue.

NPAV suggests you do not provide your personal details to any organization no matter how established or vast it is, as this data can be breached and might be used against you by the attackers.

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