Fake emails with "exceeding storage space" alert are being circulated by hackers to steal user credentials

Phishing scams continue to target users and steal their credentials by sending fake email alerts.

NPAV research team has recently found a new phishing scam launched by hackers to steal user credentials.

As shown in the image the alert email states that the storage capacity of the user has exceeded and needs an update. The email alerts user that if the upgrade is not done immediately, there can be an email data loss.

Once the user clicks on the upgrade now option, a new web page requesting user credential is opened. This page is malicious and hacker operated. Any data entered in the page will be accessible to the hacker and can be used for their benefit.

NPAV recommends users to refrain from submitting any information through such malicious pages. Users should not visit or click on the links shared via these untrusted emails.

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