NPAV - The Best Anti-virus for Gaming Online 2019

As we all know that summer vacations are about to come. Nowadays, kids prefer to sit at home and enjoy rather than moving out in hot sun and play, which results in the popularity of online gaming. But these kids are unaware of the fact that their favorite hobby can also put their systems in risk from various viruses and malware.

A proper online gaming application can be accessed only if we purchase the full version of it. The games which are paid are always connected to the user's bank details (credit card/debit card details) and credentials. That is why online gaming websites have become the projecting target for hackers and cybercriminals.

There are many forms in where viruses can come but the most unknown viruses are detected due to online activities. So, it is very important to make sure that no virus files are present in the computer device. These virus files are the major reason for computer issues. The virus enters inside a device via fake emails, malicious URLs, advertisement pop-ups, pirated software applications, gaming crack patches, and other illegal activities. All such activities need to be avoided for the proper working of the computer device. In addition to that, a robust and strong anti-virus is required for the safety of the computer device.

NPAV - Net Protector Anti-virus is the strongest security application capable of scanning and removing the virus files from your PC. It is capable to block existing as well as emerging virus threats. The updates of this anti-virus keep you away from all the new malware invented and allow you to play online games safely.

Some major features of NPAV:

  • Blocks Unwanted Websites: 

    It always happens when you are playing a game online and annoying ads come in many forms which generally say - buy this, learn more about the product, download now and many more. These pop-ups are usually illegal ads popularly known as malware pop-ups and spam which are capable in the installation of spyware to hack your personal information, data and important credentials. To avoid these pop-up ads, NPAV provides special feature NPAV - Advertise Blocker which runs automatically and checks the links you are visiting online and saves you from illegal websites or links.

  • Application Control: 

    Whenever you browse online through the application, it is checked in the background by NPAV - Application Control Feature where it ensures that you are not going to run any fake application and if that application is harmful to your system or it contains any virus in it then it immediately blocks that application.

  • Allow or Block Gaming Sites: 

    There are n-number of online gaming sites which are popular among all. But there are some games where the hackers try to install any kind of malware into the game and hack your systems. This is checked by NPAV - Website Blocker. It verifies and makes sure that your system is safe and protected.

  • Protects from System Crash: 

    Malicious software can take different forms. It can be malware and viruses building up on your PC without you even knowing it. This malicious software can change settings in your computer and cause programs to crash or freeze. To check for this malware and viruses and protect your system, NPAV software regularly scans your system for the presence of such problems and that help guard against them, too. Buy one, install it and use it regularly; your crash issues may come to an end.

  • Browsing time limit - 

    In this feature, you can set a limit by time or by days. Here you can select the number of days or even some time limit for your children to access the machine and internet.

  • Anti Phishing:

    Phishing is a fraud attempt to obtain sensitive data-credentials like usernames, passwords, or any financial details from online users. Clicking on such ads, email links, gaming links can make you land up on a fake website. These fake websites provide fraud messages, offers so that we provide our personal data which can be misused by the hackers. To block such emails and ads links, and pop-ups, NPAV provides Anti-phishing feature which scans and blocks the unknown fake links.

NPAV Total Security is one of the advanced anti-virus software with all latest features. It also provides a lower system impact and is a user-friendly interface.