Scammers use COVID-19 help desk spams to target users

COVID-19 help desk is the label used by hackers to trick users.

Hackers are using corona virus pandemic to launch various scams and malware attacks. COVID-19 is the current topic of fear that is prevailing in the society. Hackers are using this fear to spread viruses and gain profit. Hackers are sending emails by the name of "COVID-19 HELP DESK".

The email states that it is directly linked to WHO and UN, who solely aim to fight COVID-19 pandemic. The email says that UN has donated huge amount of money to fight the pandemic and as a result the targeted person has been chosen as a beneficiary of USD $500,000.

The email claims that the reason behind this money circulation is to provide food and medical relief items. The target has been selected by the WHO to provide this amenities to all the people who need it. After these statements the email demands the user to submit certain details which include personal ID, full name and address, telephone number, and payment information.

If the targeted person falls victim to this and ends up sharing this information, he might be at a great threat. The hacker has all the required information that he requires to exploit the cyber security of user and cause a huge menace. Attackers can cause various other attacks using this information and can steal huge amount of money. NPAV recommends users to stop falling into such scams and never submit your sensitive information online no matter how legit the mail looks.

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