WhatsApp Scam! Now circulated via email!

Virus in the name of WhatsApp! Now via email! is being circulated. The actual email contain the malicious files and new service has reactivated on your PC. Do you want to know how does it work? We will tell you! If you wonder how it works, keep reading…

1. You receive an email which informs you that you have a pending voice message, supposedly/technically from a friend/ one of  your contacts.

2. If we want to listen to it, we just have to click on the “autoplay” button in the email. just see the image



If there was any doubt, you are not downloading a voice message, instead you are downloading malware.

That’s why, so you don’t fall for this kind of scams, you should take this into account:

Note the following Points:

1. WhatsApp doesn’t send notifications for pending messages.

2. If we look closely to the sender’s address: darcy.bambrick@rogers.com, we will see it doesn’t have to do anything with WhatsApp.

3. The application won’t never refer to itself as Whats App.

The best thing you can do is just ignore these emails and install in your computer the Net Protector antivirus, which will block the malware in your computer.