When any machine comes for the update ISSUE
Update Exe Names:
1. update np2005.exe = Silent Automatic updater
2. npavupd.exe = On Demand Updater (one Version Newer)
3. npavupd2.exe = replaces the downloaded files to the Product folder
4. NpavupdW.exe = new alternate updater also Fast
5. admnupd.exe = updater used in admin console
When any machine comes for the update ISSUE,Please check following points first:
1. Check SERVERS.INI : from C:\program files\net protector 2015\servers.ini
Check all following servers are present in this ini or not,if this list is not present then update with following list :
2. If mismatch error comes this time manually clear the "Internet Explorer" browser cache and then try,
3. check and verify malupd.bin file count and DB count is same.
c:\programdata\net protector\upd\malupd.bin
e.g. malupd.bin open in Notepad
Signature=SE1R50 21.05.2015
Time=07:29 PM
4. Try to download Updates from each server one by one.
5. If proxy server msg comes, this time use NPAVUPDW.EXE for update.
6. Some engineers / Dealers are deleting servers.ini file.Please do not delete this file, our updater refer this file for Server Names from where to download
7. www.computerjaipur.com is backup update server and is OFF normally
8. Logs and ini locations to take
c:\zv\updspy.log - take this log and add to Rcall Manual Report for update issues
9. New Features coming in UpdaterExclude Files Used for :
1. Incase you have blocked any EXE and you dont want it to be updated
2. Incase any custom / new exe with solution is given for a special customer and
this exe is not on RELEASE / BETA then we can keep this one exe on customers PC and
add its name to Exclude List
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