Npav Lab

  1. Google has reported a new malware campaign targeting Youtubers
  2. Hackers use fake cyber police ID to spread malicious emails
  3. The Flubot Malware is back, hackers have found new ways to infect your Android phones.
  4. Fake Amul's 75th anniversary contest with 6000 Rupees prize money is tricking various users
  5. Phishing email with fake out of storage alert surfaces to paint new targets
  6. Transaction keys exposure via payment API vulnerabilities have impacted millions of users
  7. Phishing email with fake mail storage full alert is being circulated by hackers
  8. NPAV alerts users to uninstall Windows KB5005565 update to solve the printer sharing issue
  9. Hackers are spreading fake Maruti Suzuki  Anniversary celebration scam
  10. Fraudulent link of DMart questionnaire to celebrate its 20th anniversary is being circulated by hackers
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