Npav Lab

  1. MFA is being successfully breached by hackers to target cloud services
  2. Malware vendor Triangulum returns with a new Android malware
  3. Weak username and password has lead to leakage of Nissan's source code
  4. User records of 368 million users stolen from 26 companies are being sold by hacker
  5. Team NPAV wishes you a very Happy New Year 2021
  6. Facebook ads are being exploited by hackers to steal 615,000 login credentials
  7. NPAV security research team has recently found and reported a new password phishing scam
  8. 0-day vulnerability has been reported by Google in Microsoft's API
  9. NPAV wishes you a joyous and Merry Christmas
  10. Email Ids of Instagram users were exposed by a Facebook bug
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