Npav Lab

  1. Cyber attack at Pune co-op bank: Rs 94 crore allegedly siphoned off by hackers
  2. GandCrab V4 Released With the New .KRAB Extension for Encrypted Files
  3. New Deep Ransomware
  4. Facebook bug set 14 million users' sharing settings to public
  5. New RedEye Ransomware Attack Destroy Your Computer If You will Not Pay The Ransom
  6. CryptON Ransomware Installed Using Hacked Remote Desktop Services
  7. A powerful Android Trojan distributed through Google Play store apps that posed as Fashion and game apps to generate a huge revenue using malicious invisible ads
  8. New Bip Dharma Ransomware Variant Released
  9. StalinLocker Deletes Your Files Unless You Enter the Right Code
  10. Android P to Restrict Apps From Monitoring Network Activity
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