
  1. Ransomware attack on Nagpur’s ammo maker - Solar Group
  2. Cobalt Strike payload is being deployed by LockBit ransomware by exploiting Windows Defender
  3. SBI alerts users regarding usage of public mobile phone charging points
  4. Severe threat reported by CERT India regarding Google chrome vulnerability
  5. Phishing email with fake out of storage alert surfaces to paint new targets
  6. Phishing emails impersonating purchase inquiry was found spreading virus as attachment
  7. Emergency legislation passed by US over fuel pipeline cyber attack
  8. Hackers are circulating fake job offers via LinkedIn to spread More_eggs backdoor
  9. Indian COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers SII, Bharat Biotech, are being targeted by Chinese hackers
  10. Source code of Azure, Exchange and Intune accessed by SolarWinds hackers
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