
  1. Phishing Alert: How to Identify and Avoid Email Scams
  2. Beware of fake AnyDesk sites that is using new Vidar Malware
  3. Phishing Attack : When attacker pretends to be a helper.
  4. Bluebugging : This mistake made with Bluetooth in the phone will be harmful!
  5. AIIMS server targeted by ransomware attack leading to service interruption
  6. Emotet ends its break after 4 months and starts spreading malware again
  7. 18 Indian banks including SBI are getting targeted by Drinik Malware
  8. Phishing email with fake DNS server update notification is being circulated by hackers
  9. SOVA is the new mobile banking trojan targeting Indian user-base
  10. Hackers are using DHL express email notification format to launch phishing attacks
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